The Team

We are committed to supporting independent storytellers on the African continent who describe the world as they see it, from their own unique histories, experiences, imaginings and lenses.

Meet our awesome and expert team members
Judy Kibinge
Founder & Creative Director
Judy Kibinge is a renowned filmmaker who began her career in advertising, becoming the first non-expatriate Creative Director of a large multinational agency in East Africa, McCann Erickson, where she led Pan African campaigns for brands like Coca-Cola. Transitioning from advertising, she wrote and directed several award-winning fiction and documentary films. Her first feature film, "Dangerous Affair", is credited with sparking a wave of contemporary filmmaking in Kenya.

Judy founded DOCUBOX in 2013, Sub-Saharan Africa's first homegrown fund and hub for independent filmmakers, which has played a transformative role in the East African documentary film industry. A founding member of the Creative Economy Working Group (CEWG) and a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, she has also served on the Documentary Branch Committee for three years. In 2021, she was named the Most Influential Women in Film at the Women in Film Awards (Kenya).
Josh Mwamunga
Strategy & Research
Mudamba Mudamba
General Manager
Mudamba is an Arts & Film Administrator who is currently Docubox's General Manager, after serving as its Programs Director for 10 years, since inception.

He is a trained accountant who followed his passion for the arts and film. He is a former Treasurer of Kenya Film & Television Professionals Association - KFTPA, is currently a member of the Creative Economy Working Group - CEWG and the East African Screen Collective - EASC. Both these bodies advocate for better policies, funding and distribution of creative products.

Credited as Executive Producer on several finished Docubox documentary films like The Letter, New Moon, I am Samuel, also on short films such as The Morning After, Coachez, If Objects Could Speak et al, Mudamba appreciates the Impact of Film. He has also been called upon as juror and selector on International Film Festivals.

He believes that sector collaborations and co-productions are urgent to spur our Film Industry and enable the sharing of our authentic stories with the world.
Ken Kigunda
Comms & PR Specialist
Ken Kigunda Harrison is a seasoned Communication and PR Specialist at Docubox EADFF, bringing over a decade of expertise in Strategic Communications and Knowledge Management. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Ken has a well-established reputation in the industry, enhanced by his recognition as a Fellow at the Radio Netherlands Training Center (RNTC), underscoring his dedication to professional excellence.

Ken is pursuing a Master's Degree in Communication Studies at Kenyatta University, further strengthening his skills and knowledge. He has completed the RNTC's Social Media Mastery program in Hilversum, Netherlands, and received specialized training in Economics and Tax Justice Reportage from the Norway School of Economics. Ken's diverse training and extensive experience make him a valuable asset in communication and public relations.
Ronald Owen
Office Assistant
Ronald wears many hats at Docubox! As our office assistant, he's dedicated to ensuring a smooth and comfortable work environment for both staff and guests. He's your go-to person for anything you might need, fostering a supportive atmosphere where everyone can focus on achieving Docubox's goals.

Ronald's passion extends beyond the office. When Docubox hosts film screenings for the community, he puts on his technical hat to ensure everything runs flawlessly.

But Ronald's talents don't stop there! Outside of Docubox, he's a dedicated filmmaker who recently debuted his first short film. Currently, he's busy crafting another one, showcasing his creative drive and well-rounded skill set.
Wambui Gathee
Screenings Manager & Film Curator
Wambui Gathee is a Kenyan director, producer, film curator and freelance photographer. She is currently the Screenings Manager and Film Curator at Docubox where she has curated and programmed award winning documentaries for regular monthly screenings in Nairobi at the Alliance Francaise for two years up until 2020.

Wambui has also been curating short fiction films for about four years for an exciting quarterly film screening event called the Shorts, Shorts & Shots. Popularly known for her short film, Love Zawadi that has won three awards that gave her the title, award-winning director at the Women In Film Awards 2020. Wambui is also involved in impact work through various projects and programs at Docubox. She is currently the Screenings Manager at Docubox EADFF.

She is also a Southern Africa Locarno Industry Academy (SALIA), Some Fine Day Pix, Great Lakes Producer's Lab and Durban Film Mart (DFM) Business Lab alumni. Wambui is a firm believer in artistic visual storytelling that is well represented in her filmography as well as photography. She is keen on learning and implementing the prowess of curating, programming and producing films.
Susan Mbogo
Programs & Partnerships Manager
Susan is the Programs and Partnerships Manager at Docubox, the East African Documentary Film Fund. With a background in financial accounting and project management, she brings a unique blend of financial acumen and creative insight to her role. Susan has been instrumental in supporting over 100 films through grants and capacity-building initiatives.

Her expertise spans various facets of film production, including roles as a production accountant, production manager, and line producer. In 2022, she produced her first short fiction film, "Unspoken", and earned a Creative Producing certificate from the New York Film Academy. Currently, Susan oversees the production of two documentaries and serves as a juror for prestigious film festivals such as the Sharjah International Film Festival, Under Our Skin International Film Festival, and Encounters Al Jazeera Best African Documentary Jury.

Susan believes in the transformative power of film to influence and change culture, dedicating her career to using this medium as a catalyst for positive change within communities.
Jackie Imali
Office Manager
Jackie is a committed & vibrant person who embraces teamwork and is ready to face challenges as it ignites new ideas and impels the mind to think out of the box.

Jackie is the accounts & admin person at Docubox, the position she has held with so much love and passion for many years since the inception of Docubox to date.

Jackie oversees quite a lot of business at Docubox pertaining to monetary in terms of payments locally and international, donors record, petty cash custodian, payroll, statutory payments, grantee's disbursement record, preparing financial reports and aligning activities as per the budget lines and generally maintaining operational workspace.

Serving in this capacity which is the organization's backbone has seen her work closely with everybody at Docubox in different departments.
Natalia Kyalo
Comms & Events Manager
Natalia is the dynamic communications and events manager at Docubox, where her passion for storytelling and knack for crafting memorable events truly shine.

With a degree in communications, majoring in public relations and minoring in film production, she seamlessly blends creativity and strategy into her day to day life at Docubox.

Her diverse background spans corporate and entertainment public relations, digital marketing, and events planning and management.

Natalia loves writing and creating stunning visuals, firmly believing in the power of storytelling. She thrives on interacting with diverse audiences, using unique experiences to foster community and share compelling stories.
Mungai Kiroga
Internal Producer
Mungai Kiroga is a Kenyan screenwriter, director, and editor. To date, he has written scripts for several TV shows. These include three soaps, three dramas and one comedy. In 2013, Mungai wrote a feature film titled 'Something Necessary'. The film was produced by German director Tom Tykver.

He is currently the internal producer at DOCUBOX. His role is to provide creative and logistical support to DOCUBOX'S grantees. Mungai has overseen the production of more than thirty titles at Docubox. Topics included Climate Change, Gender Justice, Mental Health and more.

Mungai is also the co-producer of a documentary that premiered at the Tribecca film festival in June 2024, as well as a second documentary that is still in the editing phase. Both are on the topic of climate change.

In addition, Mungai was also recently Production Manager for the Video Consortium. This is an NGO that supports documentary filmmakers across the world. During his time at Video Consortium, he managed the production of 20 short documentaries filmed in multiple countries across Africa.
Gertrude Mbela
Marketing & Communications Assistant
Gertrude is the Marketing and Communications Assistant at Docubox-East African Documentary Film Fund. She leverages her expertise in social media management, event coordination, and content distribution to drive awareness and support for Docubox's mission to support independent documentary filmmakers.

She has successfully spearheaded initiatives like the Microdocs TikTok Challenge on Democracy, significantly growing the organization's audience and engagement on Tiktok.

Gertrude holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies & Security from the University of Nairobi and a Certificate in Marketing Management from the European Business University in Luxembourg.

She has a deep appreciation for cultural diversity, authentic creative expressions, and is committed to celebrating African stories through her work and artistic pursuits in visual arts.
Abel Waweru
Internal Editor & Cinematographer
Abel has over a decade of experience in the film and creative arts industry; working on TV series, commercials, films, and corporate projects in Kenya. His passion in knowledge building and sharing, led him to participate in numerous film projects and editing workshops, which has since seen him undertake over 15 documentaries touching on thematic areas such as; education, philanthropy, politics, climate change, agriculture, health among others.

Starting as an independent filmmaker, he is now a cinematographer and editor at Docubox, contributing to various short films and documentaries both directly and indirectly. At Docubox, he assists film grantees with post-production of their films as an editor and post production fixer. Other than that, he utilizes the decade of experience to produce and create compelling media content to be used by the communications and marketing team respectively. He is also a think-tank, a problem solver as well as a product development contributor, in bringing innovative ideas to life at Docubox.