jiongoze project
For successive years, Kenya has been hit by devastating terrorist attacks that have affected hundreds of citizens. This threat to our national security and peace has given rise to fear in our communities. The radicalization of vulnerable individuals has led to increased violent attacks across the nation. Multiple efforts in Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) and Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) arose in a bid to curb the spread of violent extremism.
In solidarity to PVE, Docubox has committed to join the fight against this vice through the JIONGOZE project by executing screenings of short films, digital engagement through the generation of GIFs and Memes that will circulate in social media and production of two short films that will also be screened once completed.
We believe in the power of the media and the importance of using it as a tool to inform, educate and sensitize people at different levels on various issues such as violent extremism.

- Considerably reduce or deter people from joining violent extremist groups, using film as a tool for awareness creation.
- To curb further spread of terrorism
- Sensitize people on the importance of PVE & CVE by involving stakeholders in the media, civil and religious societies.
- Engaged youth in other wholesome conversations that can lead to deterrence.
Complete Short Films
- Not My Son
- Watu Wote
- Coachez
- The Good Child
- Nitajuaje
In order to make sure that we increased our reach and impact, we had Not My Son and Coachez dubbed in Somali so as to directly communicate with the audiences especially those who are neither conversant with Kiswahili nor English.
Target Audience
Our focus was inclusive of everybody, both Muslim and non-muslim, who are most vulnerable to radicalization,especially the young. We were targeting youth between the ages of 18-35 comprising of students in high schools and universities. We were also targeting, idle, out of school unemployed youth, as well as women and girls who are sympathizers of the radicalized youth, as they can be used in this crime.
Our target areas of focus were:
- Garissa
- Kibera
- Kamukunji
- Hulugho
- Online community
With every screening, our target was to reach a minimum of 1,500 youths per month within the areas mentioned. Our overall target was to reach 20,000 youth by the end of the project, 80% from the specified target areas and 20% from other areas.
Film Screenings
Due to the unfortunate global Covid-19 pandemic, we were not able to run physical screenings until the situation improves. It is for this reason that we have resorted to going the virtual way in a bid to reach audiences during these times under the strict guidelines of the Ministry of Health.
Our Supporters